Monday, April 15, 2013

New York Bound!!!!!!!!!

Guess who got a freaking amazing orthopedic research internship in NYC this summer!


Okay, so it's actually in Greenwich, CT, but it's close enough to NYC that I'm just going to keep saying NYC. I'm not a New Yorker, so sue me.

I'm pretty geeked - I will be doing a combination of research (hopefully getting published to boot) and general shadowing/clinical work in orthopedics. I don't know what project in particular I'm working on  yet, but everything the program director told me about sounds really cool.

This foundation has worked with various Olympic sports teams and does FDA trial research, as well as a decent amount of community service (including working with vets), so I'm sure I'll be able to do something really amazing.

There's also the added bonus of living in a billionaire's house this summer. I won't have ANY fun with that...


Friday, April 12, 2013

Clinical Skillz

I am officially done with Clinical Skills II, and am "certified" to do a complete head to toe exam on a patient. Of course, I don't know how to actually interpret anything (except blood pressure), but hey, it's a start, right?

It's kind of a relief. I actually like being able to do a full physical exam, but the exam portion of it was kind of annoying, as we had to articulate everything we were doing to our preceptor.

"I am now inspecting your skin."
"I am now looking in all four quadrants of your eyes."

I now just have neurology, and all the excitement for Med Ball! Just a few more weeks until the semester is over.....crazy!